My students are loving the incredibly well written "Wonder"! They groan when it's time to move onto the next topic of the day! They applaud August the main character, laugh, and make insightful connections to the text. This story is allowing me a magnitude of opportunities to model aloud my thinking as I read, and through it I've been able to review reading strategies like connecting, visualizing, questioning, researching (songs....for example
"Wonder" By Natalie Merchant), and inferring. As I read my students are jotting down thoughts on sticky notes and adding them to their Reader's Notebooks. The author RJ Palacia is slowly revealing details of the appearance of August and so tomorrow we will create portraits of
The Character We Are Meeting (August) from these clues and our visualizations. The students will add around their portraits character qualities of August. Later they will share with a partner and defend their ideas with information from the text, and their own life experiences.
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