After our lesson on active listening the next few activities will provide for opportunities to practice.
Two Blankets ~ Life Raft
Talk to the students about how when things get tough this year we will have to get creative and that we need to be able to lean on each other to find solutions. Divide the class in half. Place two blankets on the floor. Begin with everyone on the blanket. Have each group fold the blanket in half and fit everyone back on it. (They may fold it any which way they like). Repeat folding until each group can't fit everyone on the raft. Play music from "Jaws" to enhance the fun. While figuring out the folding no music, when the music plays everyone must quickly pile onto the raft.
The Pig of Happiness
Have students stand behind their desks and reveal a screen picture of the page where the pigs are saying "fat bum" and laughing. Invite the students to share with their partners what they see and what they think the accompanying story might be about. Ask a couple of students to share. Have students thank their partners and move to the carpet for the story. Before reading discuss who buys picture books? Discuss how picture books are wonderful because they often have 2 messages. One for children and also the implied adult message. Read. Have the children take turns with their elbow partners (remind about Active Listening) about how this story relates to us as a class. Talk about what the author's purpose is? P I E (persuade, inform, entertain)? (How negativity spawns negativity). Split class into 6 groups. (Another opportunity for A.L. but this time in a larger group). Have chart paper already hanging in 6 different locations around the class. Have the students brainstorm and list ideas on how we can spread happiness in our room and in other classrooms in the school. Have a gallery walk. Note similarities and differences in the lists. On another day compile the lists with the ideas...and devise a plan for some!
Take Your Pick
Students choose a set number of candies from the bowl at their table group. When choosing the students are not aware but each different type of candy will have a category attached to it for discussion. (e.g. caramels = dream job).When music plays walk around the the music fades find a partner and practice PVF & attentive listening.
I can't wait until tomorrow! Wish me luck on my first day! Happy "New Year" to everyone!
I love how you say Happy "New Year"! I hope your day went well!