Friday, 30 August 2013

Preparing For The Frenzy

As I soak up the final days of the peace and tranquility that flows through the hallways my mind shifts to thoughts of my students who will arrive full of anticipation, anxiety, and excitement! I've finally sat down at what will be the guided reading...guided help table fairly satisfied with the results of my week long cleaning, setting up, and organizing of my room. Now I must dig deep and ready myself for the planning. I thought..."Why not plan your first few lessons on a blog?" and so here I am. This summer I have discovered 3 new amazing resources that will help me refine some of my current teaching strategies. The first "From Seatwork to Feetwork" by Ron Nash has motivated me, and challenged me to seek every opportunity I can to have my students listen, collaborate, and complete their assigned work in more engaged and active ways. The next few posts will document my journey of applying my new learning in the classroom.

By the way what does the view from your window look like? I love my window...

 photo ce7e5e54-b9b6-44db-8646-accfeca9e8c8.jpg

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